Sunday, April 8

am i ready to be burnt in the passion of pure desires, or do i wade in the waters of nonchalance and indifference yet appear to be racing on (how on earth?), or.. i could totally chill out and wait, in wherever this place void of zest calls me.

i think, its so much easier to waste your life away then to actually sit down, plan, and execute something substantial enough not to be counted as wasting your life away. they say passion is the driving force in life, for without purpose what then are goals, aims and ambitions. its not difficult for the average human, blessed with the ability of thought, to speculate where those null of passion might end up. i can scarcely imagine myself in that plight, although i can safely say i'm in need of drive. i cannot define exactly what keeps me going, since i lack passion there must be something else that is preventing me from a gradual mental decay. This is why i darn dislike ToK lessons (apart from the teacher), especially when we discuss the undefinable things in reality. what is reality? gosh. sometimes its good food for thought, but why go over it again and again and well, again.

that reminds me of the fact that i am still, a puny, insignificant, non-adult student. a lousy one at that. school pressure is really hitting me, seeing people know stuff that i don't know really irritates me. somehow. maybe i'll make that my momentary passion: beating people (as in not physically). that'll keep me moving for awhile.

to be hot, cold, or lukewarm?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

John! You sound so sad :( cheer up! We gotta have Fourcast destressing session one day :D

9:49 AM  
Blogger HIL said...

Foofoo!!!! why are you so emo. :( I miss you and conferencing and everyone else lah. boos. Talk to you soon.

10:25 PM  

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