lol, benlee me paul john chen and benlee's classmate were on bnet. chen hosted, this was after i said john chen was from hong kong and john chen started the game. one guy left immediately after chen clicked the start button, then we all zhao straight away. we were damn pissed, haha.
even though exams are over, i realise i still feel pressed for time and rushed. i have to clear my airlaw in-house paper by tomorrow when i haven't even started reading the notes! plus the fact that i'm in yf camp comm doubles my workload. i have to sacrifice bs time tomorrow to clear my in-house exam. after which i have to rush to church for meeting :(
and it's post-exam period, so i'm kinda in a dota frenzy mood. so i want to make time for the important stuff, yet i am really distracted by the comp. grrrr.
i had an rt oral session with my flying instructor today, half the time i had no idea what was going because i missed the first lesson. so many people set in today it could be considered a lecture. on top of ho samantha jamie and me, like 6 other people all woried over rt oral joined us. haha, i'm amused at how my flying instructor calls me johnboy. it's weird no one at the flying club calls me john. by my course mates i'm known as foo ce (pronounced foosey), some call me foo. oh darn my flight got cancelled again due to rain, i have to flex now that i haven't flown in two weeks. i have a feeling i'm going to play dota later.. anyway below is a google earth screenshot of seletar aerodrome. the 'K' near the bottom left is syfc <3<3

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