are you ready for a change to come? there's already one already one
the blue angels are the air demonstration squad for the us navy, they use the f-18 hornets! below is a video of the thunderbirds which is the us air force air demonstration squad they use the f-16 fighting falcon! both are great, though i would prefer the f-18. singapore don't have f-18s though, they are used as carrier-launched fighters and singapore don't have carriers. interesting to note, malaysia owns 8 f-18s -.- why am i not surprised.
exams in 2 days i feel the urgency! yesterday i was almost totally distracted by the tv and my sister's newly bought taiwanese dvd serial. 大S is super chio.

this is possibly worst than the time you told me you think rainie yang is cute
you got bad taste laa teehee.
anw, I kind of feel like going for 830 tomorrow! but I don't know. maybe.
she is damn chio, seriously. to be able to distract me so much must be super chio
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