Sunday, December 7

you may say that I'm a dreamer

i feel like i'm drained of my already sparse words.

i'm back from taiwan. if i weren't born in singapore, i'd want to be a taiwanese citizen. there are a few reasons, one i feel proud to be a chinese and i'd choose taiwan over any other chinese provinces. also, even my dad noticed, 7 out of 10 girls encountered on any street is attractive. how come all the superior physical genes are concentrated in taiwan..

but there are negatives, singapore food owns taiwanese food. taiwanese gravy is always too sweet or too salty, it's as if taiwan taste buds are diminished so the food has to be over-flavoured or seasoned. and i absolutely detest the smell of chou tofu.

anyway, i really had lots of fun. there were so many kids on tour with me and my family, which was kind of disturbing since my brothers' paedophilic sensors were overload. they always over react whenever something small that crawls appears in their line of sight.

next weekk, ENLISTMENT. i can't believe it is here already.


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