'And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.' Revelation 19:6
i'm back from church camp! now where shall i start. from the true yet inexplicable prophecies, to the stayovers at night to watch the world cup. from the taupok on my bed, to the lanning at the nearby shopping mall, i have no idea where to start. see thats the problem with me, i'm not the draggy sentimental type
yet i'm still charming XD. oh what the crap.
maybe i shall do a replicate of my children's camp experience! list out 10 of the most memorable experiences at camp! HEAR I GO :D
1) most important: Feeling God's presence throughout the camp :) sounds kinda cliche. but seriously, yes i felt it, no i felt HIM.
2) saying 'WHAT THE CRAP!' every few seconds XD
3) watching the czech vs USA match at 12am on monday night. the exhilaration i felt after watching TOMAS ROSICKY score 2 for the czechs! he's going to be a great offensive midfielder and playmaker next season for ARSENAL!! once again i applaud arsene wenger's amazing vision.
4) getting taupok on my bed. samuel, marcus, andrew and jeremy came over to my room to watch the world cup, then before i knew it i was thrown onto my bed by sam. what could i do.. samuel, marcus, andrew, jeremy, peter, mark, matthaes, benlee and ben on me. ouch :D
5) LAN! i played 7 DotA games altogether. and i won SIX! woohoo! *hyperventilates. i remember the last match against the '89 gang: andrew, sam, edric, theodore and joshua. they had their whole game plan sorted out nicely, whereas me, marcus, benlee, ben and matthaes hardly knew what was going on. i took the mid lane with clinz and matthaes' razor, guess who was at the mid lane too.. sam with keeper of the light and edric with prophet! what the crap two pushers.. cos we were playing -apem they pushed down our two mid lane towers in less than 10 minutes! THEY WERE OWNING. i was trying my best to save up for a desolator, and when i finally got it, the tide was turned. I eventually got two DOUBLE KILLS and DOMINATING! before andrew and gang ran out of play time. oh man how i wished the game could have continued. for all those who have no understanding of what i'm talking about, don't bother trying XD
6) the deep fried sotong on wednesday lunch if i remember correctly! tastes just like old chang kee.. DELICIOUS!
7) lending my guitar to every single person who knew how to play the guitar in camp. well not exactly, but almost all. that includes pastor eddie! not that i'm complaining but now i have fingerprints all over my guitar :( however, i did get many compliments for my choice of guitar :D
8) getting called ADORABLE and CUTE REPEATEDLY by jeannette. oh am i flattered XD
9) getting called UNCLE JOHN XD credits to my sister :D
10) watching CARS at the local cinema for 5RM! thats less than S$2.50!! Whee. plus there were NOOO advertisements at all before the movie started!
done :D
'He which testifieth this things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.' Revelation 22:19-20